Saturday 23 August 2014

A not so Black Guard

I'm hoping he doesn't look too much like a Naggarothi McDonalds employee. He's the first one anyhow, so if I decide I don't like the scheme, perhaps I'll make the cloak blue and the sash yellow instead of the other way around.
One consideration is that I've just realised that yellow takes a very long time to get painted on without looking like toothpaste. I'll admit I'm not well versed in using it, but I love how it looks when used right. As a result (and from my reading the horus heresy novels), I'm going to be working on a sculpt of Sigismund - the first Emperor's Champion. I'll use the base EC model as a starting point and work on from there. I was thinking of doing a blood angels diorama with The Sanguinor as the centrepiece, but maybe I'll make an Imperial Fists diorama first :)

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