Monday 1 December 2014

Jim the Night Lord

He's not finished yet, plenty of details to fill in. I'm generally happy with how he's going with one exception - the nmm gold!
I like the nmm steel but I'm not sure if I like how I did the gold... I might redo it.

Criticisms are welcome.


  1. Bryon,
    I agree that the gold looks a bit flat...except on the paldron and armor pieces. I think with gold, an exaggerated highlight looks a bit better. It's a crazy shiny metal! (last photo, leg gold bits look the best to me)

    1. Cheers Greg :) I rewashed most of it back down to the base level and I'm going to make it more of a directional highlight to bring out that artificial shine. The icon on the chainglaive will be the hardest part I think.
