Saturday 10 January 2015

Contemptor Dreadnought - Finished!

Finally finished! I'm super happy with him and to be honest, kinda relieved he's finished. Now I can put myself to work on some other stuff.
I don't think I'll add any more dreadnoughts to my Night Lords force, they're a lot of work to paint and, I daresay this one will be enough of a centrepiece.
I'm fairly confident that after this model, I've learnt a lot about non metallic gold and steel, and the rest of my night lords force will be painted using the same techniques.

On another note, when my Night Lords are finished, I've been inspired by the stories of Barabas Dantioch and Kyr Vhalen - the loyalist elements of the Iron Warriors legion. One day, I'd love to put together a IVth Legion siege style army with that background. I'd want to paint them with a realistic approach, true metals and rust, grime and weathering included. This is some way off though, as I'd love to finish at least 1-2 thousand points worth of VIII first.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this :)


  1. Fantastic work! Love all the details on this guy!!! Was a pleasure seeing him come together!

    1. Thanks Greg! The future is looking bright for my projects now I've decided to set myself goals. So hopefully I'll have some more pleasing stuff coming up soon! :)
