Thursday 29 January 2015

Work bench of a madman!

I know I know, the raptors arent done... but I just had this massive urge to build and go conversion crazy!
So this arvo, I spent a few hours and built my autocannon squad and almost my support squad.
The autocannon squad looks a little funny because the barrels were irreparably bendy, so I just chopped them and put the muzzle brakes straight onto the main structures.

Also I pre-ordered my long awaited favourite HH character - Sevatar!! That glorious bastard is gonna make the centrepiece of my Night Lords. Until of course I invest in Curze.


  1. What an amazing army. How's working with the resin marines vs the standard plastic ones? I've not really put together a small resin thing yet!

    1. It's very different! I like working with the resin. Dealing with superglue can be a hassle, but for the quality of details and such - I can't resist. Mold lines and such can be a big problem though. Same with bendy barrels and swords etc.

    2. I heard warm water and bending, followed by cold water to stop it should help. It didn't work for me cause all my stuff was from ebay, and thus probably not FW original...

    3. Yeah you never know with the cast quality or resin compound used for recasts. Also, I've heard that Forge World's customer support is the best in the business.
