Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy new year, merry christmas!

Well, I've been very lazy these last weeks and there really isn't much to report beyond this progress pic.
I did however get a hold on a legion recon squad and I'm waiting on a tactical support squad with volkite calivers and a heavy support squad with autocannons.
I'll be wanting to add a terror squad and a legion tactical squad at some point too, along with a Sicaran battle tank and a couple of predators.
Before I expand my Night Lords any further, I'll be waiting to see what else they add to legion lists in the coming year. I'm sure ForgeWorld is bound to release another campaign book, and I've heard we may be getting strike fighters.
For painting purposes, I'll certainly be adding the Primarch and of course Sevatar when he's released.

Anyhow, to all 3 of my readers - Merry Christmas and a very happy new year!


  1. Happy new year Bryon! Gd this contemptor is looking AMAZING!

    1. Thanks Greg! I'm gonna try and get it finished by tomorrow night, so hopefully I'll have something up then!
